N8 PRP team recognised with top international award
We are delighted to announce that Dr Jude Towers (N8 PRP Training and Learning strand Lead) and Fiona McLaughlin (Research Officer, N8 PRP Data Analytics Strand) are the recipients of an award for Excellence in Analysis by the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts. These prestigious awards recognise individuals, organisations and executives for outstanding contributions to the analytical profession, and winning this award is a testament to the fantastic work that both Jude and Fiona have put into making the Data Specialists in Policing CPD Programme a success.
Nominators Scott Keay (Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Policing, Edge Hill University) and Andrew Wright (Strategic Road Safety Partnership Analyst, Lancashire Police) credited Jude and Fiona for providing ‘unprecedented support to the analyst role’ over the last 3 years, attributing the success of the CPD programme to their ‘perseverance, dedication and interest in progressing law enforcement analysis’. The CPD programme was created to help analysts meet the current challenges of their role, delivering core ideas, training, research and data tips, with the intention of equipping analysts with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the challenge of changing technologies.
The IALEIA Awards take place in Dallas in May of this year.
If you would like to register your interest for the next round of the Data Specialists in Policing CPD Programme, please email Fiona at F.McLaughlin@leeds.ac.uk.