Call Announcement – Small Grants Award 2022/23
The 2022 call for Small Grants Awards is now live.
Small Grants 2022/23
Small Grants, Big Impact
The Small Grants Award funds collaborative, targeted research into high-priority areas, new challenges, and pressing concerns in policing.
Previous research projects have had a significant impact on research, policy and practice –
- Dr Sam Lewis’s 2019/20 award with Cumbria Constabulary developed into a project on rural domestic abuse which recently received a Home Office STAR award of £176,000;
- A new tool developed by Dr Xavier L’Hoiry’s research with South Yorkshire Police in the same year helps officers identify Adult Services Website users at risk of trafficking – it is currently in use at South Yorkshire and being trialled by several other forces;
- Training developed from Dr Charlotte Barlow’s 2017/18 award on coercive control has helped over 1,000 service providers understand and investigate coercive control at organisations including Merseyside Adult and Child Safeguarding, Lincolnshire Social Services, and several police forces.
Other examples are detailed in the N8 PRP Annual Report and were highlighted at the 2020 Research Showcase.
2022 Call
The total value of the fund is £100,000. It is expected this will fund 4 projects that will start January-February 2023 for 12 months.
This is an open call with no restriction on the area of policing research or practice for submissions. There will be three stages – a one-page proposal, a collaboration workshop, and an application for funding.
Stage One: Short Proposal
At stage one, 8 April – 20 May, police and academics from N8 PRP institutions are invited to submit a one-page proposal using the Proposal Form. Proposals will be shortlisted for development at the Collaboration Workshop.
As the funded projects must be held by an N8 academic, police are asked to identify and approach appropriate N8 university academics and agree a research lead prior to submission.
To find an academic partner, please contact your institution’s N8 PRP lead, refer to the Experts List, or contact Helen Gordon-Smith.
Stage Two: Collaboration Workshop
At the Collaboration Workshop, proposals will be developed with potential research partners to develop Small Grant applications with a strong collaborative design. It is an opportunity to explore ideas, make connections between research interests and areas of practice, and broaden your professional network.
Participants will be supported to establish a research team, shape the aims and scope of a project, and develop pathways to impact.
The Workshop will be held at The Alan Turing Building, University of Manchester, 29 June 2022, 11am – 4pm. If you want to find innovative ideas for collaborative projects with relevant outcomes for policy and practice, please register to attend the Workshop.
If you would like to apply for Small Grant funding but cannot attend the Collaboration Workshop, please contact Helen Gordon-Smith and alternative arrangements will be made.
Stage Three: Funding Application
Projects that were shortlisted at Stage One are invited to apply for funding using the Application Form. The application will give a developed and more detailed view of the significance, feasibility, and originality of the project. In addition it will include the project’s collaborative approach, pathways to impact, and requested funds.
Application Forms and Letters of Support should be submitted to helen.gordon-smith@manchester.ac.uk from 1 July 2022 until 4pm on 15 September 2022.
A final funding decision will be made by the N8 PRP Steering Group on 15 October 2022.
Please read the guidance ahead of making an application, and if you have any questions please get in touch with Helen Gordon-Smith.