N8 PRP Launches 2022 Annual Report
The Annual Report covers N8 PRP’s major achievements in 2022, and plans for 2023.
The report is available to read at the link below and on the Reports page. Chancellor of the University of Manchester and former Chief Crown Prosecutor for North West England, Nazir Afzal OBE, introduces the report. In his foreword he writes:
“It is fantastic to see twelve police forces and eight universities working in equal partnership.”
The benefits of this partnership is demonstrated by the events and achievements covered by the report. This includes key ideas and discussions from the Knowledge Exchange Internships, “Communications with ‘Hard to Reach’ Groups”, and the seventh Policing Innovation Forum, VAWG in Public Places, which delegates saying they were ‘excited, inspired, and motivated’ by the day, with ‘So much insight, passion and hope for change in one room’.
The report has research highlights from completed Small Grants on knife crime imagery and messaging, multiagency strategy for tackling OCGs in prisons, and the ethnic disproportionality in FPNs issued for breaching coronavirus restrictions. It also gives an update on ongoing Small Grants, which are already taking part in an impressive array of impact activities.
The launch of the New Researchers in Policing Network (NRiPN) is covered, and NRiPN member and Small Grant awardee Dr Sandra Flynn gives and insight into the value of N8 PRP for her career and research. Kate McNeill from the the Partnership for Conflict, Crime, and Security (PaCCs) introduces the PaCCs archive, a valuable resource for practitioners, policy-makers and researchers, now hosted by N8 PRP.
Turning to the wider impact of N8 PRP, the report gives an overview of the wealth of policing research published by N8 academics in 2022, much of which has been directly enabled and supported by N8 PRP. The publications also show the breadth and depth of expertise at N8 universities, and the opportunity N8 PRP offers to partners to realise the potential of these shared resources.
Finally, we hear from leaders of two new policing research collaborations launched in 2022. Lewis Dean, Head of the Wales Innovation Network, home of the All-Wales Policing-Academic Partnership, and Professor Adam Crawford, Co-Director of the ESRC Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre, discuss the influence of N8 PRP and plans for future collaboration.
N8 PRP’s activity in 2023 is already well under way. Make sure to save the date for the eighth Policing Innovation Forum, Implementing the Race Action Plan, to be held in Penrith on 22 June 2023. There are upcoming reports and webinars from Small Grants on Smartwater, Policing Domestic Abuse during Covid 19, recording Honour-Based Abuse, Preventing High-Risk High-Harm Domestic Abuse, and Preventing Cuckooing Victimisation. We’re planning an in-person networking event for NRiPN, and working on support for data sharing, and making plans to support high-impact police evaluations.
Follow N8 PRP on Twitter @N8PRP to stay up to date, or contact your organisation’s N8 PRP lead to make sure you’re on their distribution list for N8 PRP news and events.

N8 PRP Launches 2022 Annual Report
N8 PRP has published its annual report for 2022.
Chancellor of the University of Manchester and former Chief Crown Prosecutor for North West England, Nazir Afzal OBE, introduces the report. In his foreword he writes:
“It is fantastic to see twelve police forces and eight universities working in equal partnership.”
The benefits of this partnership is demonstrated by the events and achievements covered by the report. This includes key ideas and discussions from the Knowledge Exchange Internships, “Communications with ‘Hard to Reach’ Groups”, and the seventh Policing Innovation Forum, VAWG in Public Places, which delegates saying they were ‘excited, inspired, and motivated’ by the day, with ‘So much insight, passion and hope for change in one room’.
The report has research highlights from completed Small Grants on Knife Crime Imagery and Messaging, Multiagency Strategy for Tacking OCGs in Prisons, and the ethnic disproportionality in FPNs issued for breaching coronavirus restrictions. It also gives an update on ongoing Small Grants, which are already taking part in an impressive array of impact activities.
The launch of the New Researchers in Policing Network (NRiPN) is covered, and NRiPN member and Small Grant awardee Dr Sandra Flynn gives and insight into the value of N8 PRP for her career and research. Kate McNeill from the the Partnership for Conflict, Crime, and Security (PaCCs) introduces the PaCCs archive, a valuable resource for practitioners, policy-makers and researchers, now hosted by N8 PRP.
Turning to the wider impact of N8 PRP, the report gives an overview of the wealth of policing research published by N8 academics in 2022, much of which has been directly enabled and supported by N8 PRP. The publications also show the breadth and depth of expertise at N8 universities, and the opportunity N8 PRP offers to partners to realise the potential of these shared resources.
Finally, we hear from leaders of two new policing research collaborations launched in 2022. Lewis Dean,. Head of the Wales Innovation Network, home of the All-Wales Policing-Academic Partnership, and Professor Adam Crawford, Co-Director of the ESRC Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre, discuss the influence of N8 PRP and plans for future collaboration.
N8 PRP’s activity in 2023 is already well under way. Make sure to save the date for the eight Policing Innovation Forum, Implementing the Race Action Plan, to be held in Penrith on 22 June 2023, There are upcoming reports and webinars from Small Grants on Smartwater, Policing Domestic Abuse during Covid 19, recording Honour-Based Abuse, Preventing High-Risk High-Harm Domestic Abuse, and Preventing Cuckooing Victimisation. We’re also planning an in-person networking event for NRiPN, and working on support for data sharing, and making plans to support high-impact police evaluations.
Follow N8 PRP on Twitter @N8PRP to stay up to date, or contact your organisation’s N8 PRP lead to make sure you’re on their distribution list for N8 PRP news and events.