N8 PRP Governance

N8 PRP was established by the N8 Research Partnership, which promotes collaboration, innovation, and efficiency between 8 research-intensive northern universities.
Central Team
N8 PRP is lead by the Academic and Policing Co-Directors, Professor Geoff Pearson and Chief Superintendent Ngaire Waine.
The Co-Directors, Project Manager, Helen Gordon-Smith, and the NRiPN Director, Dr Eon Kim, make up the N8 PRP Central Team. The Team is responsible for the administration and management of the partnership with the support of the Steering Group, and reporting regularly to the N8 Research Partnership.
Steering Group
Strategic and operational decisions are taken by the Steering Group, which meets on a quarterly basis. All N8 PRP member organisations are represented on the Steering Group by the Police and Academic Leads, who are also responsible for promoting and supporting the work of N8 PRP within their organisations.
The N8 Research Partnership and the College of Policing also sit on the Steering Group.
N8 PRP is funded by the partner organisations. The current funding period,1st October 2021 – 30th September 2024, is governed by a Collaboration Agreement signed by the 8 university and 12 police partners. Investment in the partnership creates valuable independent research with meaningful impact, generates significant research income, and establishes a stable network for collaboration.
N8 PRP Membership
N8 PRP is a collaboration of 8 universities and 11 police forces in the north of England.
Durham University
Lancaster University
University of Leeds
University of Liverpool
University of Manchester
Newcastle University
University of Sheffield
University of York
Cheshire Constabulary
Cleveland Constabulary
Cumbria Constabulary
Durham Constabulary
Greater Manchester Police
Lancashire Constabulary
Merseyside Police
Northumbria Police
North Yorkshire Police
South Yorkshire Police
West Yorkshire Police