Upcoming Events

NRiPN Webinar

Navigating Ethics Approvals

Thursday 13 March 2025, 14:00 – 15:00


PGRs and ECRs are invited to join a discussion about the navigating complex ethics applications in policing research. Attendees will hear from academics Professor Geoff Pearson, Dr Charlotte Barlow and Professor Geetanjali Gangoli. There will be a q&a session, and attendees are encouraged to ask questions about developing their own work and any barriers that they have already encountered around ethics applications.


We’re currently planning more events – to stay informed, ask your N8 PRP lead to include you in updates, follow us on twitter @n8prp, or watch this space!

NRiPN Webinar

Bridging Impact

Monday 1 April 2025, 15:30 – 16:30


PGRs and ECRs are invited to join a discussion between academics and police partners about how they have navigated differing meanings of ‘impact’ in their projects in order to produce research that is important and meaningful to both academics and police. Attendees will hear from academics Dr Antoinette Huber, Dr Laura Bainbridge and police partner Danny Gavin. There will be a q&a session, and attendees are encouraged to ask questions about developing their own work.


Policing Innovation Forum 2025

Neurodiversity in the Criminal Justice System

York Hilton, Thursday 26 June 2025, 09:30 – 16:00


The ninth N8 PRP Policing Innovation Forum will bring together police, academics, and wider stakeholders for a day of knowledge exchange, innovation, and collaboration on the topic of neurodiversity in the criminal justice system. It will be an opportunity to share best practice, discuss new research, identify knowledge gaps and establish new opportunities for collaboration.

In 2025 the Policing Innovation Forum will be held on 26 June at the York Hilton. More details, including how to register, will be announced in the coming weeks. 

We’re currently planning more events – to stay informed, ask your N8 PRP lead to include you in updates, follow us on twitter @n8prp, or watch this space!


Previous Events